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MoarPeripherals by theoriginalbit

Adds more peripherals to ComputerCraft

MoarRecipes by Hyghlander

Even More Recipes for Minecraft!

MoarSigns by Gory_Moon

A mod that adds a lot of different signs.

MoarSwords by ButterCheetah266

A lot Moar Swords to play around with!



MoarVents by qwertz19281

MoarVents beta

Moas by U�ytkownik, MCreator

Enter short description here

Moas and More by Gman1491, MCreator

Bird Time

Mob & Block Shifters by Selim_042

Adds tools to easily move mobs & blocks around.

Mob Banners by darkhax

Adds decorative banners awarded on kill.

Mob Beacon by Cleverpanda714

Adds a block that will attract animals.

Mob Blacklist by AtlasTheFirst

Mob Black List

Mob Blacklister by Gareth Jones

Lets you blacklist mobs so they never spawn

Mob Blocker by maxwell-lt

Allows each player to protect a single chunk from hostile mobs, to help out during the first few nights.

Mob Bottle by firis-games

Mob Control by Alexiy

Control creature behaviour, enemies, combat

Mob Control Wands by Micmu

6 magic wands to control and enchant mobs permanently: make them silent, stay baby forever, follow you, turn hostile mobs into pets, set them on fire...