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Marvelous by DarKnighT_0_9



This adds 1 type of food: the breadfish.

Marvels stones by GalaxyNuke, MCreator

Enter short description here


Sälber gmacht

Mashmelloz by itayfeder

Add Marshmelloz!

Mask by TROU

Don't forget to wear a mask.

Masked Rider Ryuki Craft by Administrator, MCreator

Mass Production by F(Twitter:@plusplus_san)

This mod is the add-on of IR3.


JStar MassSound Card for OpenComputers allows playing of minecraft sounds

MassileQOL by Throwing

By Throwing!


This mod adds incredibly powerfull post-game items, ores, tools, and a boss!

Master Addiction by MaxterDesigner, MCreator

Um mod que adicionar tudo e mais um pouco!

Master Blocks Mod Forestry by leplopp


Master Builders Mod by leplopp (Germany)

Master Builders mod is a mod the very many new blocks added in the mInecraft world