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Muti-Colours of all the wool!

Multiblock Tweaker by Eutros

Add GregTech CE Multiblocks via CraftTweaker

Multiblock'd by KilaBash, Rongmario

An extremely flexible, vanilla-esque multiblock mod that also incorporates aspects of MultiblockTweaker and Modular Machinery.

Multiblockstages by SkySom

GameStages support for MultiBlocks

Multicandy Mod by Shizaku

Minecraft mod.

Multidimensional Ores by Hlaaftana

A mod that generates a whole lot of ores in all vanilla dimensions.

Multifarm Crops by mallrat208

Allows Forestry Multifarms to Harvest Agricraft Crops

Multimeters by CJMinecraft

Adds multimeters which can view details about tile entities without opening a GUI.

Multiplayer Profiles

Organize your servers by group, and have the profiles update automatically.

Multiple Camera by Nokiyen

Multiple Camera adds a camera block.

Multiple Drops Mod by Takaranoao

Multiple Drops Mod by Takaranoao

Multiple Lights by JOB

Adds more lights to the game.

MultipleCompressedStuffs by small_jiu

love of small_jiu

Multiply Furnace Mod by xEnsar69

Multiple your items in multiply furnace. Ultra easy mode

Multiply Mod by Alex Socha (Player in Distress)

The Multiply Mod. Multiply your items!

Multishot by masa

Automatic screenshots and motion for timelapses or other stuff

recording timelapse opensource