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ManyBlocks by w7or3, MCreator


A Spoonquest addon that allows multiple dimensions in minecraft


This mod adds MANY MANY zombies to da game.


This is an example mod

Manymonsters by admin, MCreator

MaoAntiCheat by ExampleDude

Example placeholder mod.

MaoJiNianCAC by maojinian

MaoJiNianCAC by maojinian

Map Making Tools by ProPercivalalb

Very useful for making custom adventure maps.

MapBlocks by Professional, MCreator

MapDisplayer4BTE by tf2_mandeokyi

Renders various external maps for BuildTheEarth project.

MapFrontiers by Alejandro Coria (MemeSapiens)

MapTooltip by VendoAU

View maps from your inventory


If you can't resist walking to every corner of the world in games for no other purpose than filling your map, then this is the mod for you.


Maple Items by JayGhoul

Mod that adds in misc items used for making RPGs and other storyline games.