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MUID by Mysticpasta1

For finding the total id's of popular ids

MUJIAN by Administrator, MCreator


Enter short description here

MUTCD Signs Pack by imtheman100

Contains signs from the MUTCD in block form.

MVS Backport by Pinguinmike

MVS Backport for 1.12.2


Example placeholder mod.

MWC by Dong_Tu, MCreator


MWCooldowns by Disregard

Cooldown tracker for hypixel's Mega Walls

MWDS by TeamDman, Christmas

Sends Minecraft messages to Discord, and vice versa.

MWSync by Nuparu00

Sync for Vic's Modern Warfare Mod.

MX-Random by MuXiu1997

Add something random to GTNH

MY Commands

SMP Commands