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MediaMod by ConorTheDev

Get integration for your favourite streaming services right in Minecraft

MediaPlayer by Himmelt

MediaPlayer Mod , Copyright (c) 2019 Himmelt.

Medic Me by DiscworldZA

Medical Mod for Minecraft

MedicCraft by Navybofus

Allows players to craft bandages, changing combat forever!

MedicineCraft by Joakim

Welcome to MedicineCraft!

Medieval Architecture by §bBodTheConquerer§r

Adds new decorative building blocks.

Medieval Craft by §bBodTheConquerer§r

A mod that adds onto Minecraft to transform it into a realistic, medieval sandbox game. License:

Medieval Craft by Kitsu Shadow

Medieval Craft

Medieval Fantasy

Alpha mod. This mod will add some cool weapons, like daggers with poison, halberd and staffs. You are now able to kill mobs with more lethal force! More mobs are added, just to make it more fun.

Medieval Moon by User, MCreator

Medieval Weapon Mod by Emis, MCreator

Medieval Weapons Mod by Hawkk97

Medieval Weapons

Medieval craft by FranciscoFunari, MCreator

Medieval mobs mod, part of Liege mod by AlekBardzo

mod adds new medieval mobs to the game, with configurable options

Medieval mobs mod, part of Liege mod by AlekBardzo

mod adds new medieval mobs to the game, with configurable options


Add some decortations to your kingdom or castle in minecraft

MedievalRP by sergi, MCreator

MedievalTimes by Bobby Moss

Minecraft with a Medieval twist!

MedievalWeaponsMod by Tornado14, MCreator
