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Dirt = Diamonds by Frankie, MCreator

dirt into diamonds

Dirt Bikes And More! by rich1051414, Models by JoeTheAntiPro

A dirtbike and jeep mod originally written to compliment the JurassicCraft modpack on the VoidLauncher.

Dirt Deco by Kreezxil

Building blocks using grass and dirt!

Dirt Diamond Ore 1.12.2 by Tani, MCreator

Dirt Fuel by Mcbuildings, MCreator

This mode makes it able to use normal dirt to smelt items!

Dirt To Diamond Mod by price3141, MCreator

Dirt Tools and Armor by Hummel009

This mod adds a set of tools and armor made from dirt.

Dirt to Prismarine by asie

There are 0, I repeat, ZERO mods that let you make prismarine from non-prismarine bases. Your retarded ass cant seem to comprehend that in 1.8.9 you are REQUIRED to find an ocean temple to have prismarine gear. ~ Anonymous

Dirt2Path by mallrat208

Want Paths? Have Dirt? Great News. With Dirt2Path when you right click on a Dirt Block with a Shovel or Shovel like tool, you to can get Paths.

DirtChemy by Elucent, H41V0R, MCreator


DirtCraft by Eternal_Unknown, QQ1299164807

DirtDiamond by sorazodia

Happy April Fools :P


This is a working progress mod

DirtFeul by Dunlix, MCreator

Don't forget to subscribe to Dunlix on Youtube!


This mod Generates dirt using - and must have ameo.


Linkseyi's ModMaker


This mod add the power to turn dirt into diamonds


This is an example mod


Make tools out of dirt!

Dirty Diamonds by LEVIATHAN

This is Dirty Diamonds and the basic functionality of it is to allow you to make diamonds from dirt, but wait its not that simple you must go through a decent process of smelting and crafting to do so, it is easier than finding them but not too easy. WHAT THIS MOD ADDS: Athan Ore Athan Ingot Athan Tools Athan Armor Athan Sword Igneous Rock Fragments Igneous Rocks Diamond Shards & an Obsidian Rod.

Dirty's Cotton by BigDirty1985

Just a small cotton plant for getting string.



Disable Firework Rendering by Nirvana

This disables fireworks from being ticked and added to the queue, to stop chunkbans, minecraft gay so i couldn't just limit the amount, to renable fireworks, do /togglefireworks

DisableSkeletonHorse by ryantheleach

disables skeleton horses when gamerule doMobSpawning = falsecan also remove skeleton horses on chunk load, using /gamerule removeSkeletalHorseSpecial thanks to

Disaster Craft by Dr_Castafole, leventreur, lucifers62, wizardofemerald

Generation of a devastated world with no ocean, no river and no grass...

Discarnate by Virtuoel

A mod where you let spirits control your body to do tasks

Disco Mod by EnvyingGolem47, MCreator

Just my disco stuff mod! ALPHA VERSION


Let's get this party started!

DiscoTek by heldplayer, mbl111

A mod created by Team Bleigh for ModJam 2013

DisconUtils by Disconsented

General Utility's mods

Discord Bridge by Hy

A Sponge plugin to connect your Minecraft server with Discord

Discord Chat Processor by Reflxction

A mod which processes and filters messages from the Discord bridge.

Discord Integration by ErdbeerbaerLP

This mod links your server chat with a channel on your discord server.

Discord Mod by Kopa

My second mod

Discord Rich Presence by Alwyn974

This is a Discord Rich Presence for Minecraft

Discord Rich Presence Mod by M4TH1EU_

Un mod pour ajouter un Rich Presence personnalisé

Discord2MC by ScarabCoder

Use Discord in Minecraft. Press B (default) to open GUI

DiscordCE by Duke605

Allows you to chat and manage your friends list on Discord.

DiscordChat by shadowfacts

Relays MC chat to Discord and vice versa

DiscordIntegration by Chikachi

MC <=> Discord communication

DiscordRPI by Beshelmek

Enables discord integration.

DiscordStatusRole by WinDanesz

Discord Status Role

DiscordSuite by Coded

Minecraft Discord Enhancement Mod

DiscordWarriors by Nonopichy#1373

Algum mod.

Discount Superheroes by FiskFille

Turns out all the heavy-hitters were way too expensive. Due to severe, extensive and debilitating budget cuts, this was the best we could do.

Discovery Jar by Filloax

Jar mod for the Discovery Modpack.

Disenchanter by Impelon

A small Mod adding a block to disenchant Items

Disenchanter by Impelon

A small Mod adding a block to disenchant Items

Disenchantment Edit Table by ji_GGO, jiGGO, Nice cat

Disenchantment Edit Table

Disguise by Lomeli12

Hide from mobs using their skulls! ...nothing creepy about that, right?


This mod adds in TNT disguised as ores! perfect for trolling your friends.

Dismantler by BloodWorkXGaming

A Tool used for dismantling multiblock structures in one go.

Dismantling Loot by svgorbunov

Dismount Entity by Rick South

Allows players to dismount/remove/exit entities/mobs from mounted entities.

Dismount Entity by Rick South

Allows players to dismount/remove/exit entities/mobs from boats/minecarts.

Disney by LDShadowLady


This is an example mod

Dispensable Block Mod

Your Dispenser is updated to BlockDispenser!

DispenseMod by noriokun4649


Display by Martacus

Display Items


Detects, day, night, and weather.

Disruptor Mod by Olhcim

Adds a simple block that disrupts Endermen and stops them from teleporting.

Dissolution by Pyrofab, CobraDarkPoney, Noprotox

A mod aimed at making death more interesting

Distance TNT Mod by Iizvullok

Adds the distance TNT to Minecraft.

Distinct Damage Descriptions by Yeelp

Bringing D&D style distinctions for physical damage to Minecraft!


More blocks , items and dimensions !

Diverse Coal by ERBF

Different coals to improve your minecraft experience.

Diversity by Budd

A mod with diversity.


New Mod! With new ores, tools, armors and much more!!

Divina Colmena Roleplay by alexesla_

Mod para servidor Divina Colmena.

Divine Favor by Aurocosh

Divine Favor

Divine Items by Tsuki Tetsuro, MCreator

Make your Avaritia progression more harder.

Divine Journey 2 Addons by ByThePowerOfScience

A collection of mixins and mods to support the Divine Journey 2 modpack.